Julie Capinstand Broker Associate

Home Journey Totals to Date







Activity Report

12/7 Meet clients for open house and preview planned homes. Post coffee discussion and questions of the homes viewed. 1
12/8 Follow-up questions on 885 N Dunberry Drive to listing agent and request disclosure package. .5
12/11 Email clients links to key places in the neighborhood, schools, and resources with commentary. 1
12/11 Review disclosure package for 885 N Dunberry Drive and run comps for the property. Prepare and send an email with key information, notes, disclosure call-outs and comparable analysis to client for review and discussion in consideration of an offer. 4
12/12 Conference call with clients to review Dunberry disclosure and comps. Confirmed clients want to write an offer. Discussed details, process, and terms of the offer. 1.5

Rayse creates trust & transparency from the first meeting. Through a crisp client presentation, buyers can easily visualize basic timelines, financial structure, agreements, and the eye-popping expertise agents offer every step of the way.

Rayse maps out the real estate journey in real-time, taking communication and collaboration to a whole new level. Through the app, clients can see what is happening, when it happens.

The Home
Buying Journey

There are four steps of the home-buying process. We keep you updated throughout every step so we can best avoid any pitfalls.


A critical step, this takes about 1–2 Days, 4 Milestones, 18 Agent Activities.
Learn more


Touring and offers

Exciting, this step on average takes 9 Tours and 21 Days, with a minimum of 5 Milestones and
30 Agent Activities.Learn more



Highly detailed, expect this to take on average 35 Days with 8 Milestones and 36 Agent Activities.Learn more



You’re almost home, with 1–3 Days left, 4 Milestones, and 14 Agent Activities!Learn more

Congratulations. You are now in contract.

Here is what’s next for you and your agent.

What’s next: Escrow

Earnest money deposit

Understand the terms of the EMD, including the amount and timeline for depositing the funds.


Review all disclosures and reports in detail with your agent.

Home inspection

Discuss the planned inspection with your agent, and schedule appointments with the inspectors and the listing agent for home access.


Schedule appraisal and meet appraiser and or a listing agent at the property.

Final walk-through

Schedule final walk-through before signing closing documents. Address any issues or concerns prior to closing.

Rayse communicates and celebrates real-time progress. With each accomplishment, agents can connect and recalibrate the next steps. Agent value is clear before, during, and after the transaction.

Rayse tracks agent progress and connects each client with anxiety-reducing data. Agents can clearly show how many hours they spent on inquiry responses, negotiating, property previews, analyzing market trends, and more. Clients can see, in real-time, the efforts agents pour into advocating for them.

Your home buying journey statistics to date




Touring and Offers






View your Agent’s activity

37 Days
10 Showings
25 Activities
3 Offers
142 Miles
$246 Expenses

Most Recent Activities


04/24 158 min 10699 Topaz Ave


04/24 158 min 10699 Topaz Ave

To-do 4

Make decisions on your homes. Scroll through the homes you've seen and let us know what you think.

Complete Buyer/Broker Agreement. Sign your Buyer/Broker agreement so that your agent can move forward.

Make decisions on your homes. Scroll through the homes you've seen and let us know what you think.

Complete Buyer/Broker Agreement. Sign your Buyer/Broker agreement so that your agent can move forward.

Touring and Offers

Take a look at the homes you have toured up to this point.

Rejected 3

Evaluating 0

Your offers 1

731 Kettner Ave

731 Kettner Ave


4 beds 3 Baths 3.2k sqft

2410 Winding Rd


5 beds 3 Baths 3.2k sqft
731 Kettner Ave

731 Kettner Ave


4 beds 3 Baths 3.2k sqft

2410 Winding Rd


5 beds 3 Baths 3.2k sqft

Rayse elevates client collaboration by quickly communicating where you are at any stage of the transaction. If client communication is a source of pride, Rayse takes it to a new level - giving every Rayse agent a competitive advantage.

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